The officers in the Scribal Collage are as follows:

  • Parchment Clerk
  • Parchment Deputy
  • Scribal Guild Leader
  • Scribal Guild Deputy

The Parchment Clerk is a Greater Officer in the Kingdom of Meridies. The main purpose of the Parchment Office is to handle and maintain Kingdom scrolls for the Crowns to use at their discretion and to facilitate communication between the Crown of Meridies and the Scribes of Meridies with the intent of easing the burden of the Crown. To this end, the Principle Parchment Officer may create their own team of volunteers as needed to help streamline this process.

Parchment Office Badge

Parchment responsibilities include the following:

  • Maintaining the Kingdom Scroll Cases
  • Manages each event’s Court Prep and assigns a Court Scribe as needed
  • Keeping the Scroll Case Tally up to date
  • Managing scroll commissions and backlogs
  • Hosting the Coronation Scribal Challenges at the beginning of every reign
  • Manage the Parchment Office budget
  • Report yearly to the Society A&S Officer

Other duties include working in conjunction with the Scribal Guild to promote the scribal arts, teaching, maintaining consistent scribal practices within the kingdom, determine scribal concerns and needs and bring those to the attention of Principal Parchment and Scribal Guild Leader to discuss and address.

The Scribal Guild Leader is in charge of the Scribal Guild and its guardian. The Guild Leader may create a team to help support the Guild and distribute the following responsibilities as they see fit:

  • Moderating the official Scribal Guild of Meridies Facebook page to help promote robust and healthy conversation
  • Maintaining the official Guild website or appointing a Scribal Webminister
  • Updating the Scribal Handbook of Meridies
  • Updating the Scribal Roster
  • Organize Scriptoriums and/or Demos at official events in Meridies by reaching out to event staff and helping with said scriptoriums where and if needed
  • Maintaining the Scribal Guild Box and make it available to the scriptoriums to help support new and beginning scribes try out different materials and tools, encouraging greater quality in the art and the ability of the scribes and facilitate learning to that end.
  • Maintain a budget and hold fundraisers where needed
  • Host one Guild meeting per reign whether in-person or online